The Hospitality industry is all about customer service. Dealing with discerning and occasionally demanding clientele can often be challenging. Trying to deal with customers, while simultaneously lowering costs and increasing revenues sound impossible, doesn’t it? Well that’s the reality of the Hospitality market during these challenging economic times. We understand and we’re here to help!
At Hughes Office Equipment, we’ve worked with multiple clients in the Hospitality industry and we’ve discovered some common print related issues including:
- The rise of mobile workers
- Discretionary printing
- Unnecessary waste
- Sustainability and greener print strategies
Our Managed Print approach provides you with a proven method and strategy to identify and reduce unnecessary document output expenses and works to create predictable budgets you can count on by printing less and spending less.
Together, we can work with you to:
- Implement a viable secure mobile print strategy
- Implement print policies and end-user controls and protocols
- Reduce costs and control print environment expenses including consumables
- Implement greener print strategies and make your business more sustainable